Friday 11 October 2013

Lana Del Rey CD cover analysis

/Users/asmedia/Desktop/lana_del_rey___driving_in_cars_by_other_covers-d4cwi7r.png this cd cover created for the artist lana del rey is a pop genre with a vintage edge to it. the artist does pop songs yet the way she dresses is very alternative and vintage 60's style. the style of writing also ties in with the vintage theme along with the flag as its has a slight "pin up girl" edge. the artist related to the pop and alternative genre with her unique image; mostly her audience is 14 to 30 as her songs are quite mature yet her pop image relates to the younger generation. she also has an B/C audience has her fashion is high end and her music is quite mature. on her cd covers she always sticks to the vintage theme yet goes from very simple and plain images to fussy and hectic style backgrounds for example: I like the idea of her wearing the ring that is the title of her album as its a bit different and edgy. this image is very plain as it uses one headshot of the artist looking directly into the camera with a coffee stained style background which gives off a vintage feel. whereas in this album cover she uses quite a hectic background consisting of small different images with her body shot in the middle this is a more of a pop style image as the colours a vibrant which usually relates to the pop image. her image is the only thing that is creating a vintage theme as the big bow covers up the middle name "rey" which is effective as well as it shows her name is well known as she doesn't need to have the full name on display; this feature is used in magazines such as vogue as its so well known. the back of the cd cover: this background alongside her other background designs is very bold and quite plain but actually matches the style of writing that writes her name on the front cover image. the style of this background is quite effective as it doesn't take priority over the front cover and it shows a distinct attention all about the atist's names of songs. the background is also a coffee filter design just like the front cover is which matches nicely and makes the headshot and the writing look most important and draws our attention to them the most. the bold writing is effective because its very clear and precise which could mean a customer feels they can identify the songs they wanted to buy more easily as opposed to fancy twirly writhing. her front covers of cd's are also known to have a prop it in it whether it be a cigarette, a dog or a flag as shown here: using the dog which is effective as on a cd cover the artist is usually looking directly into the camera whereas in this she uses the dog to look into the camera which is quite quirky and different.the background in the cd cover uses a filter to make herself stand out more and not let the background take priority over her as then it would look to busy and hectic to suit the image properly. in this image of her in front of the american flag: relates a little bit to the cover of lana and the dog whilst smoking as shes in front of a background but the difference is that this time the prop (flag) is just as important as lana as its not filtered separate they are all black and white effected together. the writing is a bit different here and is actually abit more vintage. lana does this alot in her cds for example here she still uses the flag and the black and white theme yet shes more cut off in the image and the black and white filter is a little less strong creating a more vintage theme which ultimately makes her less preppy and the "typical american girl".

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