Monday 4 November 2013

robin thicke cd cover and back progress,the final inspired draft (first one)

in addition to my main image of the cd cover: i now needed to create a back cover that ties in with the front that has to have copyright, barcode and cd song names added onto it, i thought id take song lyrics from my inspired cd cover design and use them as song names, i also got the barcode and copyright message of google and changed the font and size along with the colour to match my background design. i then took my "blurred lines" inspiration from Robin Thicke again and had a look at some of the shots made prior to the release of the cd itself. i noticed the women models used in the video and cd cover were used in photos just on their own therefore i selected an image that was quite quirky that tied in with my theme and placed it under/behind the songs (to not take attention from the music) and again kept a plain white black ground. and lastly i wanted to keep my idea throughout the whole cd and then added the dark block across their eyes and wrote the artist's name in the same colour as the writing i used for the songs which then created this: when re creating this idea i wanted to make sure i also used a prop as such like the red car and make sure the colour theme runs through props as well so black, red and white. when deciding my next idea i decided i could try a more interesting background as i wanted to do more of a pop style cd cover, i decided if i was to do this i would use a plainer image so the balance was right.

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