Friday 27 September 2013

visual, technical and audio codes task. 1st one

Visual codes.
This is a music video featuring Rihanna singing her new song "stay". The song uses a vast range of visual codes throughout. Starting with the use of gesture and body language, Rihanna is mostly curled/huddled up in an enclosed embrace; this suggests hostility and upset as its a position used to calm. The facial expressions prove to be very important in this video, she's aiming to portray sadness to link in with the song therefore she doesn't smile once and constantly looks sad and looks away from the camera quite often which then creates effect when she looks at the camera. The settings and use of colours link together as its set in a bath (quite dull) and the room has no colour and has a dark touch to it as there is no objects apart from the woman set in the bath; this is a ver effective visual code as it reaches its aimed purpose of making a depressed feel to the audience and effects the consumers by changing their emotion. The connotation to this clip is a tad clique' as the title is "stay" whilst she is alone which creates an effect of loneliness and depression for the audience.

Technical codes.
The technical codes displayed within this video clip is firstly a range of shots with a purpose to make the audience feel empathy (which they ultimately do), they do this by using a series of close up shots of Rihanna's face; I think they do this to show her sadness and because its so close up it creates the audience to feel emotionally effected by this as it's just her face so we focus just on that. The camera movement varies from close, far away, side angles and moves very slowly to feature each aspect of the clip, the effect of the slow motion movement effects the audience by again feeling depression as it's low beat which links with that emotion purpose. Editing of this clip is very simple yet effective, the scenes flow very well with each other and they are in slow motion constantly. The purpose of this slow motion gives the audience a feel of the upset. Next the lighting is very dim throughout, it effects the audience's emotion from happy to quite down as bright lighting has a connotation of happiness. Lastly the mise en scene is very little, the purpose is to focus on the main character (Rihanna) therefore there is only water and the bath besides Rihanna in the clip throughout.

Audio Codes.
The scene uses all use of non-diegetic sound, this is the case because its to use all music prepared by the artist's therefore diegetic sounds (natural use of music) is not an option. From watching this clip I didn't gather any ambient noise, and as for audio codes concerning music its clear music is a huge benefactor to this as its a music video.

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