Wednesday 20 November 2013

lana del rey re make with original photography

lana del rey inspired cd cover:
i originally put on my draft a floral wallpaper and a Polaroid with the image displayed within it, it took a few attempts but my final image was this

 the name of the artist changed to what lana del reys real name is, i get all things similar and the large bold font was copied from other lana del rey album covers to keep an ongoing theme. the floral background gave a vintage feel and the pastel light colours participated with this also.

this is the back cover and used the same font but made the writing more important by making the image smaller.

Friday 8 November 2013

lana del rey final cd cover and back, inspired draft before original photography (second one)

my first attempt on my second cd cover was to carry on the eyes covered theme and portray a rock style artist so i used a black and white background here:

after this i decided to stick to basing my ideas on lana del rey and just changing the angle of her, without needing to cover her eyes. i felt this was quite boring so i decided to add a poloroid picture to give the cover a more vintage feel.i then decided to create this but the background was too plain, t being just white:                            
 i then decided to add a background, which then led to me changing the picture that fit i with the vintage theme more so than the above original image, i thought the colour scheme should maybe contrast more whilst staying within the pastel kind of scheme also. i then wanted to add a border because it looked to bare, ultimately i came out with this as a final design: 
i then had to think about the back cover for this cd which needed to include a barcode and copyright message, i ended up with this: 
with the back i decided to keep it simple and relate it to the front but still have a detailed background.

Monday 4 November 2013

cd cover progress

MY FIRST CD COVER USING PHOTOSHOP! when getting used to using photo shop I took the inspiration of "lana del rey" as planned before but after at least 3 decent attempts I decided to do my research on Robin Thicke and his "blurred lines". my source of inspiration changed due to the realistic aim of use in models and backgrounds when using my original photography. my first attempt on photo shop whilst using other images from google was this: as a first attempt i expected it to take a little longer than my future attempts, as i was getting used to it. i learnt how to rasterize a layer (lana del rey) and then set her above a background. from this attempt i decided a full image was simple but effective and the bold writing was a good way to grab someones attention. after this attempt i thought it would be a good decision to look at Lana Del Rey's previous CD covers and see what back ground she used; i noticed it was mainly fussy with palm trees but usually a different coloured filter to her body shot so i thought id take that idea and use it in my second attempt. i thought the vintage theme varied from different times with her album covers and therefore i realised i then had more ideas to create my own original cover yet still relating to my inspired cover. MY SECOND CD COVER! with this CD cover i chose to rasterize the image by cutting out the original background layer and adding the palm trees behind her. i kept the large bold lettering font of her name but also added a previous CD cover label "bad" in a sightly more vintage style font to represent the vintage-like image the artist usually goes for. in this image the usage of cutting and cropping went a bit more smoothly but i still felt the background still didnt match up to the main image of Lana. i then thought i wanted to give priority to my main image over the background so i tried a plainer background colour for my 3rd try and ended up with this... THIRD CD COVER ATTEMPT!
this was the main attempt that inspired me with my own creations and ideas. for example i decided as far as backgrounds go i wanted them so pain they didnt distract from the main image at all there for whites were the main plan. i then noticed most images on CD covers, the artist looks directly into the camera so i then came up with the idea to cover all eyes in my original photography (my most important idea) and then to have either the name of the artist or the album cover name covering the eyes of my main model.i felt props in the image were fairly important e.g the cat in this image; so i thought something quirky and fun will add character to my final piece. i then decided to try out blocking out the eyes here:
i used a previous image that was used in my first cover attempt to create this. from here on i decided my main idea would be to have the eyes covered with either the artists name or the album cover; i thought this would be quite a creative idea as the models chosen arent professional therefore the eyes which would usually be the main feature will be covered making the cover look more realistic as if it actually was a cd cover. after creating this idea i tried it out on a few different images such as these:
JW9NXbjWG8/UneFYVYk22I/AAAAAAAAAC0/wpkZnyij8q8/s1600/BLURRED+LINES+TAKE+TWO.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"> after creating these covers i started to think more about the background and the amount of people used in the picture, so i decided the blurred lines one would be the inspiration image i wanted to try recreate so i decided the more models used the more of a plain background i needed to use. so i ended up with this image that i made on photoshop

robin thicke cd cover and back progress,the final inspired draft (first one)

in addition to my main image of the cd cover: i now needed to create a back cover that ties in with the front that has to have copyright, barcode and cd song names added onto it, i thought id take song lyrics from my inspired cd cover design and use them as song names, i also got the barcode and copyright message of google and changed the font and size along with the colour to match my background design. i then took my "blurred lines" inspiration from Robin Thicke again and had a look at some of the shots made prior to the release of the cd itself. i noticed the women models used in the video and cd cover were used in photos just on their own therefore i selected an image that was quite quirky that tied in with my theme and placed it under/behind the songs (to not take attention from the music) and again kept a plain white black ground. and lastly i wanted to keep my idea throughout the whole cd and then added the dark block across their eyes and wrote the artist's name in the same colour as the writing i used for the songs which then created this: when re creating this idea i wanted to make sure i also used a prop as such like the red car and make sure the colour theme runs through props as well so black, red and white. when deciding my next idea i decided i could try a more interesting background as i wanted to do more of a pop style cd cover, i decided if i was to do this i would use a plainer image so the balance was right.